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Woodsmaster Vol 18 - Bronze "Molding, Copying and Casting" CLICK HERE TO ORDER: WOODSMASTER VOL 18 - BRONZE
 Join Ron Hood as he travels to Romania on a quest for Bronze...
Bronze is one of the cornerstones of civilization. Ancient metalworkers learned to manufacture this metal around a simple campfire. The skills they discovered and the techniques they uncovered are all explored as Ron takes you on a tour of Romania's historical artifacts and treasures. You will see the process as copies of some of these ancient artifacts are made for later casting into bronze. In this DVD you will learn, up-close, the basics of modeling, copying, mold making, casting and aging of bronze. Watch Ron get his face cast into a bronze life mask from start to finish. This DVD does not include instructions for constructing your own foundry. But it does teach you, up close, all about preparing objects using the “ lost wax casting” of Bronze process. You will learn how to make your home foundry in Bronze 2 (WM Vol 19) This DVD is about 1 hour and 45 minutes.
Order yours today! Note from Ron about this DVD:
When Karen and I talk about "survival" it is not just a concept related to the wilds. It covers every aspect of living from primitive to modern, from barter to economics. This video is related to barter and economics.
When we produced the "Knife making" video we brought into being a whole new generation of custom and private knife makers. There are literally dozens of people who now augment their income through metal working and knife making. Since then we have had many people request more videos on skills.
One of our customers wrote:
“Your videos have taught me not only wilderness skills but also introduced me to the world of making knives which 6 years after watching Tai hammer out a knife, has become my career”
Bronze is one of the cornerstones of technology. Without it we would not be where we are. It is also an artists ultimate medium. Add to this the fact that it is beautiful, doable and salable and we have a recipe for financial augmentation as well as a way to express an artistic bent and make everyday durable and practical items.
I told this story somewhere on our forum....
When I returned from my first trip to Romania, Karen and I were walking in one of the "art walks" we have here in Coeur D'Alene and I spied a bronze "life mask" (Some also call them death masks). I asked the artist how much he wanted for for it ... "$2,500 for this one and I can do your face for $3,500".
I walked away grumbling. Later when we walked past the booth again, the mask was gone, sold.
In this video you will see how to make a lifemask. You will also learn how to make Bronze tools and much more. You do the math. If you can sell, if you can carve wax or clay into something artistic, you can make money with this skill. You can even do something simple like we have done, make bronze house numbers. You can cast bronze model cars or planes for collectors, make copies of antique items, decorative Bronze mirrors.... You figure it out.
This video is the skill set you need to copy and cast along with the story that led up to what you will see, both personal and historical.

To Order: Click Here: