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Woodsmaster Volume 10
Survival Camping!
Wanna test your Woodsmaster skills?
In this video Ron and Karen Hood take you and 12 folks into Idaho’s River-of-no-Return Wilderness area for 8 days of survival skills and gear testing. What you will see is a no-holds-barred record of their experience.
This video is a cross between “Jeremiah Johnson” and “Blazing Saddles”. It is both enormously funny and incredibly instructional.
You will see how to tell time by the North Star, build a wilderness sauna and make a primitive forge from trash. You will learn how to make and use Bannock for food, make wilderness drills, body-bag hammocks, how to use a rotting carcass and how to fashion a fishing pole from your mini-kit parts. You will see how to prepare rawhide and tendons and trap game.
There is so much in this video that it is impossible to explain it all.
You will also learn how to prepare your pack for when you want to go into the woods to test YOUR skills!
Caution: There are a few sections in this video that can be unsettling to sensitive viewers. (Those scenes would be fine on Discovery or Late Night TV)
One viewer commented " I laughed so hard I almost puked!"
1 hour 58 min!!
Scenes from the video. You'll be instructed every step of the way.

Karen teaches you how to prepare Bannock for your trip

Ron shows you what sort of gear he takes.

Learn how to determine magnetic declination from the North Star.

Enjoy a rotting Elk Carcass as we put the pieces to work for us.

Ron, Rob and Eric cut a wooden disk to make a pump drill.

Ron makes a hand drill with Karen's help.

Learn how to enjoy stewed squirrel.

See how Steve made a spoon with a coal.

Rob and Ron drill holes for a forge.

One forge/charcoal kiln almost ready to go. Ya gotta see the rest of this!

Radio Ray as the "bellows man"

Tom teaches you how to use a "Body bag" for really deep sleep :)

Wally turns this nasty Elk sinew into fibers for cordage and bow strings.

Joe shows a cool trap and demonstrates his other powers.

Ray and Eric work with Eric's portable forge made from an old can, some clay and lots of imagination.

The mini Forge works like a champ.

A piece of foraged spike glows red on it's way to becoming a cold chisel.

The finished spike chisel and a nail drill.

The Pump drill. See how to make it and how it works.

The flywheel of the pump drill is a disk of wood.

Rik shows off a fish and his makeshift reel.

Ray demonstrates the Plainsman two stride.

Bill shows off the canteen cup case he made after processing Some rotting Elk hide.

Bannock donuts brighten up the night and Joe sings a special serenade. Do NOT drink liquids during this scene!

Ron will explain how to tell the actual time, to within 15 minutes, using the Big Dipper or Cassiopeia. It takes only some simple math.

Simple graphics make the big clock much easier to understand.

Learn how to make a wilderness Sauna with Jim and Karen as your instructors!

This sauna held 4 people comfortably. It sure made the group smell better!

Bill and Bill show how hard it can be to pull a squirrel out of the ground. They also explain how to trap these little buggers.

Rik demonstrates yet another of his inventions.
To order: Survival Camping
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