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Woodsmaster© Volume 8
Fundamentals of Tracking

Volume 8 of the Woodsmaster teaches YOU to TRACK!
One of the most important, and most difficult, skills of the Woodsmaster is the ability to track. In this volume of the Woodsmaster we examine the fundamental skills related to the art of tracking. We show you the “Four principles of sign”, how to read “Action indicators”, and ways to learn the age of a track. You’ll see how to make and use a “Tracking pit” and exercises you can do to sharpen your tracking skills. Since light is critical to effective tracking you’ll see the secrets of good lighting as well as dozens of Woodsmaster tracking tips and techniques.
In this volume we use the human footprint as the best way to learn tracking. If you practice however, you will be able to track anything that leaves “Sign.”
In addition to tracking, you will learn how to utilize a large knife for small work, how to sharpen a knife using a variety of tools as well as how to bring up your edge with a belt!
Who can use this video?
Scouts, outdoor enthusiasts, hunters, backpackers, law enforcement, military and anyone who likes to learn about the wilderness!
Who can use this video?
Scouts, outdoor enthusiasts, hunters, backpackers, law enforcement, military and anyone who likes to learn about the wilderness!
This is a MUST HAVE volume of WOODSMASTER skills!
So what's in it?
- Straddle
- Foot dimensioning
- Partial tracks
- Searching for tracks
- Parts of a track
- Track Dynamics
- Measuring tracks
- Footwear and Tread
- Testing for wind direction
- Procedures for regaining a track
- Tracking sticks and sighting sticks
- Tracking Pits
- Action indicators
- Identification indicators
- Aging tracks
- Recording tracks
- Estimating time by track overlays
- Identification of team tracks
- Staying found during tracking
- Sign
- Sign characteristics
- Four principles of sign
- Aerial sign
- Ground sign
- Arc or "Bump" Tracking
- How to sharpen a knife
- How to chop with a large blade
- Utilizing light
- Shadow effect
- Exercises to improve your tracking
Atual screen captures!

Learn to Identify patterning, speed and activities of your subject.

Learn how to use the sighting stick and tracking stick

Find out about the parts of a track and how to tell the age of a track.

What is the best way to practice tracking? Learn the exercises the Pro's use!

Ron Hood includes information from his own experience plus a variety of Woodsmaster tips and techniques!

Find out why some counter tracking techniques are made for the movies... ONLY.

Learn lighting tricks that make tracking easier and more accurate.

See how to use a BIG knife for SMALL work!

OK... How do you sharpen a blade?
We tell you how.
There is over an hour and thirty six minutes of information in this amazing and informative video...
This video is available now from HOODS WOODS for only $19.95 DVD
Order online and save!
Orders only: Toll Free (888) 257-BUGS (2847) 24 hours Information: (208) 665-5537 9 AM to 6 PM Pacific time
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