3 Wind /Waterproof Matches |
Match Striker |
For Matches, w/ Wood Tinder |
1 Metal Match |
Fire, Use With Char-cloth |
1 Hacksaw Blade Striker |
1½”For Metal Match, Knife |
2 “Coghlans” Tinder plugs |
Use with Metal Match |
1 Floating Compass |
Direction Finding |
75 ft. 17# Conduit Line |
Fishing, Sewing, Snares |
2 Small Swivels |
Fishing, Snares |
4 Split Shot (B.B.) |
Fishing, Writing |
3 Small Brass Safety Pins |
Repairs, Gigging |
3 Small Hooks & 3 Flies |
Fishing, Trapping |
5 ft. 24ga. Brass Wire |
Repairs, Snares |
1 Needle & 1 EZ Awl |
Repairs, First –Aid |
1N”x1I”xN”Pill Case |
To Hold Above Items |
1½” Bike Tube Rubber |
Use w/ Match for Fire Starter |
1 “Tropical Fish” Bag |
8”x12”,Water Carrier, 1 Liter |
4 Aqua-Clear Tabs |
Water Purification, 1 Liter ea. |
2 sq. ft. Aluminum Foil |
Cup, Boil Water, Make Char-cloth |
1 Elastic Band |
To Secure Water Carrier |
10 ft. Tapered Fly Line |
Fishing, Use With Flies |
2”x 3” Zip-Lock Bag |
To Hold Above Items |
In addition to the above kit, always carry with you a Good Quality Knife, Compass, Lighter, Whistle, Extra Food & Water, Large Garbage Bag, and KNOWLEDGE OF HOW TO USE THEM. ALWAYS TELL SOMEONE WHERE YOU ARE GOING AND WHEN YOU WILL BE BACK!